Have you ever figured out a better way of doing something? Some ways just make more sense and work out much better. Keep reading and I will share with you a better way that they never taught you in school. Here’s the secret: You MUST obtain certain vital insurance coverages in a very small window of time or you may NEVER be able to fit them into your budget! Let’s look at just two crucial policies that most folks have the hardest time working into their budget.
First is Life Insurance. It is so hard to make a buying decision on any product or service they may not be used for DECADES from now. Yet, if you do not look ahead, the small window to get coverage may pass you by. We are taught to save for later in life but no one taught us to insure for later in life. In my two decades of working with clients, I have observed that ages 20-50 is the window to secure Life Insurance. If you are a tobacco user, or have certain health conditions, I have observed that 20-40 is the very small window that closes faster than you think to be able to afford the protection. Certainly, folks buy life insurance above these ages but I have witnessed that the amount of protection is typically reduced to less than they really need due to the cost.
Lastly, let’s look at Long term Care Insurance. This coverage has a huge secret and here it is: You will have an extremely difficult time affording this policy if you don’t take it out between 40 and 60 and I will lower that upper age limit to 50 if you have certain health conditions. The major Insurance Companies have now set a minimum age take this policy out at 40 or I would advise looking at this coverage even at younger ages. So you can see how easy it can be to not be watching and the SEASON you had to take care of things is now just a memory.
If you or someone you know is in the SEASON of their life to take advantage of one of the greatest secrets in life, make an appointment with me today to discuss your best solutions.
Trent C. Perry, MDRT
Jack Bradley Agency, Inc.
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