What are you doing to keep your office healthy during winter flu season?
Flu season comes around every year and 2018 is no exception.
It seems that the flu is hitting especially hard this year. We are hearing about it on the news, from our local schools, businesses are reporting in, and it’s a hot topic in churches because people need prayer when they get the flu.
Why is the flu concerning to a business owner?
When you are the owner or manager of an office it’s especially important to take flu season seriously. Let’s face it, you can’t operate your business efficiently without proper staffing. And that is true for any size business. But even more important, we want to do everything possible to keep our staff healthy and safe.
Here are a few things that we are doing at Jack Bradley Agency.
Hand sanitizer at the receptionist area.
Mini hand sanitizers on every staff member desk.
Encouraging staff to stay home if they are sick. It might be a good time to consider your Paid Time Off policy. There is nothing worse than your team feeling like they can’t stay home when they are sick. Your team works hard for your organization. Make sure you appreciate them by giving them adequate time off.
Cleaning door knobs with disinfecting wipes during the day, especially high traffic areas.
Encourage your staff to drink lots of water. Do you have a water cooler? It’s a pretty low cost item that is a year round way to keep your staff happy and healthy!
Basket of Apples in the conference room and fingers crossed that an “Apple A Day” will keep the doctor away. Since Cornelia Georgia is the home of the Big Red Apple it’s also a great choice of snacks any time of the year.
How can you help customers that are sick, and keep them from spreading germs to your staff?
Promote your digital solutions for customers that are sick but need your services while they are recovering. Are you offering e-signature? Most office transactions can be handled by e-mail, phone, mobile app, or your web site for customers that are not feeling well. Make certain customers know about the options and don’t feel that it’s necessary to come into the office.
It’s a great time to look at your digital services and make certain you are easy to do business with during flu season, as well as throughout the year.
Jack Bradley Agency offers a website that gives customers opportunities to interact easily, CLICK HERE for the link to our online service center.
And just because we are always looking for new talent…
We love our staff at Jack Bradley Agency and are always looking for ways to keep them healthy and happy. If you are in the insurance business and looking for a new opportunity please give us a call at 706-778-2136 or e-mail info [at] jackbradley [dot] com If you have an interest in insurance and want to know more about a career give us a call and we will share our passion for the industry.
We hope you stay healthy during the remainder of winter. Springtime can't get here quick enough.
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