Tumblers, bacteria and germs??? That doesn’t go together….does it?
Nowadays it's safe to say that mostly everyone has a tumbler for cold and hot drinks on the go. You can even have any design put on them but what some don’t realize is the proper way to clean them. I’m no clean freak but let me tell you, they can house some serious amount of germs! Whatever the brand they’re all so convenient, that’s why we need to make sure they stay clean after each use.
Did you know the lid has a couple different parts to it?
On every lid to the tumblers and mugs is a black rubber band that goes around it. Probably the spot that will be the dirtiest honestly! You’ll need to remove this band and make sure to clean it well as it has hard spots to get to. As you’ve removed this, your lid should be cleaned as well before placing the band back on.
On some of the lids, there is a part called “magslider” which slides to open and close. This part is magnetic which means it’s removable and from my experience, I tend to get coffee in between the magnets. It is sooo convenient that the magslider is easily removed that way we can have a fresh and odorless new drink!
I must add that I do not wash my tumbler in the dishwasher although most brands are ok to go in. Hand washed with hot water and regular dish soap is all it takes to remove all the buildup. With it being sick season, these simple tips can helps us stay away from extra unnecessary germs and bacteria. Every little tip counts!
Stay well,
Jack Bradley Agency - Insuring the Important Things in Life
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