Come on Moms! Get creative with reminders to your teenage driver about distracted driving!
Sure, we can nag, and repeat ourselves over and over, but at some point they tune us out when it comes to distracted driving conversations. When my daughter travels home from college, she is driving for almost 5 hours! Valdosta State University is close to the Florida state line, and we live at the total opposite end of the state in Northeast Georgia. Interstate 75 is a long, straight highway filled with commercial truckers. It's easy to go fast and get distracted because everyone is going fast and there are no curves for miles and miles.
Instead of calling and having a conversation, I created an Instagram post instead.
I made sure to create the post well BEFORE she would be traveling and I tagged her in the post. After all, it would defeat the purpose if the she was looking at Instagram while driving.
Trips home are special events when your college student comes home.
In my opinion, cookies or home baked lasagna waiting for my daughter’s arrival is a fabulous way to say welcome home. I don't know too many college students that don't appreciate that greeting! She seems to like it too!
A picture of waiting cookies was the starting base for the Instagram post.
Add this caption. Drive Safely @yourcollegekid! See you soon. #donttextanddrive #dontspeed #donttalktostrangers
Yes! It got her attention.
Not only did she like it, but she also commented on the post, "You're the best". It was a fun and easy reminder that got to the point. Maybe throwing in the hashtags with distracted driving reminders was a little sneaky, but the cookies probably got the attention!
Here's a few additional ideas. Just add distracted driving reminders.
Mail a reminder in a care package around exam time.
Purchase a new lunch bag and mail it with a reminder inside.
Cute Key Chain with a clip on reminder.
Give your son or daughter a refrigerator magnet reminder.
Bulletin board banner reminders seem to work well with teens and college students! Plus their roommates see the reminders too.
Random day "I love you" cards are always welcome and you can include a reminder in them.
We would love to hear your ideas in the comments!
Go ahead show us your creativity. Distracted driving is serious business. Sharing the message in creative ways might get more attention than you can imagine.
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