The drive home from the airport last evening was enough to make an insurance agents mind race and heart pound.
Imagining all the “what if” scenarios, and the variety of insurance policies that might be forced to respond after seeing a motorcycle that was probably exceeding 100 mph, a gas grill laying on the interstate that more than likely fell from a pick up truck, and an SUV that had completely lost a wheel and tire was a lot to take in.
Throw in crazy heavy traffic, tired drivers, distracted drivers, road rage drivers, and some impaired drivers there is always some major catastrophe waiting to happen.
Just thinking about all the types of insurance policies that might be called into action:
- Personal Auto Policy
- Commercial Auto Policy
- Life Insurance Policy
- Health Insurance Policy Worker’s Compensation Policy
- Disability Insurance Policy
- Cargo Policy
- General Liability Policy
- Medicare Supplement Policy
- RX Prescription Drug Policy
Not to mention uninsured and underinsured motorists.
There is one policy that’s often overlooked and could be the key to protecting your financial future and that’s the Umbrella Policy. It’s the one that stacks on top of all these other policies to provide additional limits of liability for the biggest catastrophe. Simple stuff that starts with high speed motorcycles, gas grills on the interstate, and wheels that fall off have big consequences. You may not even be the driver that lost the gas grill but you might be the driver that swerves to miss it and causes a major accident. Or what if you are the driver that didn't secure the load and causes a chain reaction event? That motorcycle may be traveling 100 mph when you are driving the speed limit, but you simply don’t see it coming as you change lanes. Who is more to blame, the driver that's paying attention to their speed or the speeding motorcycle. It all takes money to sort out who is responsible and who is going to pay. Don't you want this money to come from your umbrella policy rather than your retirement account?
Slow down and talk to your insurance agent about a personal umbrella insurance policy. And while you are talking ask about your uninsured motorist limits.
It’s important.
Thanks for listening, Thanks for taking action.
LEARN MORE or GET A QUOTE for an umbrella.
Insuring the Important Things in Life