Typical Life Insurance Process
Applying for life insurance in the past 15 years has been a fairly drawn out process. You had to have the examiner come to you and do a physical, you had to have your medical records ordered and reviewed and you had to complete a lengthy application in the process. If you wanted to skip the medical exam and complete a shorter application, the insurance company would automatically charge you more premium for these conveniences. The last 15 years have seen an overall drop in the cost of life insurance but the competition among insurance companies resulted in the companies looking long and hard at a potential insured to make sure they were underwriting folks at the correct premium.
New Easy Life Insurance Process
One of our top-rated insurance carriers has just come out with a new process of underwriting that is a breath of fresh air for those insureds, ages 18-60. We now have access to both term and permanent life insurance and the insured can apply for it over the phone and request that an e-signature link come to his or her email address with the option to sign electronically. In addition, the insured would not have to take a physical if he or she purchases no more than $1,000,000 if under age 50, and no more than $500,000, if in the age range of 50-60. Another benefit is that the time to get a policy issued with this carrier is about a week and a half, compared to the average month and a half with the traditional full underwriting companies for life insurance coverage.
Built in Long Term Care Option
In addition, another key feature this company has is you can have long term care coverage, payable over four years that uses the death benefit dollars to pay for the care. This four-year payout will use up most, if not all, of your death benefit, but it is still an option that you didn’t have before with traditional life insurance. And there is no additional cost in the monthly premium.
Let Us Help You Simplify the Process
We know that your life is busy and now there is a company that can make the application as easy as I have seen it in my over 23 years plus experience in the business. Call us today to get your personalized quotes and let us show you a policy that has extra benefits at no extra charge. Also, the premiums are right at the top in value when compared to our other fully medically underwritten policies from other insurance companies.
Trent C. Perry, Certified Retirement Counselor®
Jack Bradley Agency, Inc.
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