IT’S the time of year when we do some of our favorite things—see the colorful fall leaves, pick that perfect pumpkin, have a bonfire with s’mores and just bundle up as the weather gets cooler and we look toward winter and the holidays.
BUT unfortunately, deer aren’t enjoying this season quite as much as we humans are. Did you know this is one of the most crucial times to make sure you have the right auto insurance coverage in case you do hit a deer, or one runs into your vehicle? With hunters out in the woods, deer are scared and running quickly, and let’s face it; they are not looking both ways before they cross the road. We all need to be extra careful driving. Things that cause damage to your vehicle that’s not a collision is comprehensive. Deer included.
However, deer are just one of the many reasons we need comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive coverage on your automobile insurance policy can also protect you throughout the year from instances such as falling trees landing on your car, hail damage, fire, flood, your vehicle being stolen and vandalism.
So, before you venture out to enjoy more fall activities or go on that weekend-long deer hunting trip, give us a call at 706-778-2136 or stop by and see us at Jack Bradley Agency so we can help you understand your insurance and give you deductible options for comprehensive coverage. We can help insure you are safeguarded for this season and all seasons. LEARN MORE on our website or START HERE for a quote.

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