Well, get ready to turn those blues upside down and plant a smile on your family’s face and get innovative. See where your imagination takes you! With the kiddos and the whole family involved, the sky is the limit!
Just think about it: when the world and society goes back to what we think is normal – parties, special events, shopping for fun, eating at restaurants, school, and a million other to-do’s – we will look back on this time, wish for it back and wish we would have made the most of it. So, come on – as my mom and her former co-worker always like to say, “let’s make a memory day!”

We at Jack Bradley Agency especially liked the ideas VRBO posted about events you and your family can enjoy right inside your home! So, check out the link below for ways you and your family can be entertained, with ideas ranging from a family movie night, sending your kiddos (or entire family) on a scavenger expedition, planting flowers and herbs indoors and more! Get your creative juices flowing and enjoy the time you have with your loved ones!
CLICK HERE for family fun from your home!

And, whether for yourself, or just in time for Mother’s Day, we loved the idea Snapfish had about turning your kid’s artwork into a book you can cherish forever. Let’s be honest: how many pieces of your child’s artwork do you keep, hang or toss? You wish in your heart of hearts you had time to hold onto each masterpiece. Now, since you obviously have the time, get started piecing items together and think of all the fun you and you children will have looking through old memories and making new ones! Do some current artwork individually or together to add to the mix. Check out the link below on how to create your family’s book: CLICK HERE for a guide from Snapfish.

Finally, there’s nothing quite like spending time as a family bonding in the kitchen over food. Why not use this precious time to give the kiddos a chance to help and enjoy a delicious meal at the same time? You could pretend you are in a fancy restaurant and even set the table! There’s no place like home, especially when it comes to comfort and eating! See the link below from Cooking with kids. Let it spur some activity for you and your loved ones!
CLICK HERE for Fun Cooking with Kids ideas.
These are only a few ideas of how you can make this time extra special. Let us know some of your own. At Jack Bradley Agency, we know how important time and family is and we are here for you always.
Friday, April 17, 2020 at 4:31pm EDT
Kim, love your blog! Good ideas!