I imagine I’m no different than most dads out there with young kids. Day after day, I get up and I have a weird feeling like something is missing. We should have two kids up running around the house getting ready for school or the babysitter. We usually have one screaming and one spilling milk. If you’re like us, your house may look like a bomb went off! Some of the stuff I see getting played with right now I had no idea we had. Having both kids home every day, can certainly get interesting, especially for my wife Emily, who is home with them day in and day out. We’ve been trying to keep them busy, but it gets tougher by the week.
Working in the insurance industry, I am thankful to have the opportunity to still come to work. Things are quite different for all of us right now and helping our clients get through this time is what we’re here to do. That being said; I’ve been trying to make the best of the extra time we have outside the office. I’ve always loved fishing, but I’ve had the “bug,” so to speak, here lately. There’s nothing quite like getting out on the lake with youngsters and seeing them catch a fish. That brings me to the question:
Where is all the bait?
When I was young, there was a bait shop tucked away in every small city in Habersham county. Today it seems like all we have is Wal-Mart. I looked for Crickets over the weekend and all three places I thought would have them were either out or don’t sell them anymore. If you ask around for Blueback Herring, people just look at you like, “what?” Do people not fish like they used to? I’ve been questioning this for a couple of weeks now. If anyone knows of a good local bait shop, please share!

CLICK HERE to connect with John Herrin or give him a call at 706-778-2136
John will be happy to help you with everything from personal BOAT INSURANCE to BUSINESS INSURANCE for your marina. He's also glad to talk about fishing anytime!
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